
The Most Dangerous Hackers in Roblox

The Hacker Behind the MeepCity Incident

Roblox is a popular gaming platform enjoyed by millions of players worldwide. However, some seek to ruin the fun through malicious hacking. One notorious hacker was Tubers93, who in 2017 infiltrated the hugely popular roleplaying game MeepCity.

MeepCity allows players to socialize and interact in an online town. However, one afternoon things took a frightening turn. Without warning, Tubers93 gained access and began trapping players in an enclosed area. Eerie music started blaring as panicked users pleaded to be released with no success. Through unknown means, this hacker demonstrated the ability to completely take over parts of the game against the will of other players.

Tubers93 didn’t stop there. Other popular titles like Arsenal, a first-person shooter, and Jailbreak, a cops versus robbers simulator, were also compromised. In each instance, he forced admin commands onto innocent gamers. While his true identity remains a mystery, it’s clear Tubers93 possessed advanced hacking skills to infiltrate major Roblox games with such disregard.

Other Notorious Acts

Tubers93 terrified thousands through disturbing hacking stunts. However, he wasn’t the only malicious player seeking to ruin Roblox for others. Another infamous hacker called Jenna the Killer caused widespread disruption through devious acts between 2007-2017.

Jenna originally portrayed an innocent young girl on the platform hoping to find an online boyfriend. Yet when rejected by players, her kind persona quickly turned sinister. She began hacking accounts to extract personal information like emails and passwords. This data would then be leaked online if the targeted user declined her advances.

Her disturbing behavior escalated to directly harassing victims through hacking. Official bans did little to stop Jenna, who evaded multiple account suspensions. Her story drew national attention after an unauthorized movie documented the full extent of her criminal exploits. Only a concerted effort from Roblox finally ended Jenna the Killer’s reign of digital terror in 2017.

The Original Hacking Kingpin

Prior to being stopped, Jenna the Killer stunned the Roblox community with her dedication to cyber stalking and hacking opponents. However, another hacker rose even higher - Coolkidd quickly became known as the original “Kingpin of Roblox.”

In late 2017, Coolkidd achieved what was thought impossible by completely taking over the entire platform. Through an unprecedented hack, he gained full administrative controls on all Roblox games simultaneously. Now wielding god-like powers, Coolkidd created an in-game group. Shockingly, any player joining found themselves transformed into an exact clone of Coolkidd with equal abilities across every title.

At the peak of his powers, Coolkidd had essentially replicated himself hundreds of times to haunt each virtual world. Faced with the prospect of total server takeover, Roblox engineers worked tirelessly to regain control. Only through aggressive IP and account banning measures did they defeat Coolkidd’s all-out hacking assault. To this day, he maintains the dubious title as the hacker who came closest to completely overwhelming Roblox through sheer technical skill.

Staying Safe from Hackers

With malicious actors like Tubers93, Jenna the Killer, and Coolkidd demonstrating such daring hacks, it’s important players know how to protect themselves. One major red flag is using “cracked” or stolen accounts, which are commonly spread on compromised servers. Immediate achievements or abilities such ability to fly also indicate possible hacking.

If suspicious behavior is observed, leave the game or server promptly. Notable hacks include aimbot in first-person shooters, speedhacks that make characters run too fast, and noclip which allows bypassing walls. Any use of third-party software or modifications should also be avoided, as they risk account bans or exposing personal information. Being wary helps enjoy Roblox hacker-free.

A Hacking Novice’s Hard Lessons

Growing up immersed in gaming, I naively fell for an all too common online scam as a beginner - an illegitimate “robux generator” that stole my account details. Overnight, my hard-earned progress vanished as the hacker looted my inventory. Desperate to regain lost status, foolishly I began trying copy-pasted generator scripts without understanding consequences.

Within days, my own account was banned for promoting hacking. Only then did the harsh reality set in - there are no real shortcuts. All generators exist solely to compromise users, not provide actual in-game currency or items. Through this regretful mistake, I gained valuable experience. Now aware hacking harms games and others, going forward I committed to only legitimate play through fun and ethics rather than empty exploits.

Differences Between Games

When comparing Roblox and Minecraft, notable distinctions emerge in types and motivations of their hackers respectively. On Roblox, bad actors like Jenna the Killer and Tubers93 caused widespread panic and disruption through brazen server takeovers or digital stalking. Their goal seemed thrill-seeking through mayhem and chaos.

Contrastingly in Minecraft, hackers usually only aimed to enhance their personal gameplay through “hacks” like speed mods, fly abilities or aim assist. Servers faced with cheaters were typically smaller “cracked” versions often distributed illicitly. Rarely did Minecraft see systemwide takeovers or hacking on the scale witnessed on Roblox. While both games deal with exploiters, their severity and intent differs dramatically depending on the community culture.

Staying Away from Hacking’s Temptation

By far the safest approach remains exercising caution and skepticism online rather than engaging with hacking in any form. “Free robux” schemes should always be avoided, as honest players have no need for such dubious offers. Additionally, respect the games and other users by playing fairly without cheating, exploiting bugs, or harassing opponents.

Discussing the technical merits of hacking holds little value and risks normalizing harmful behavior. Instead direct passion into more constructive goals that uplift and include others. With maturity comes understanding virtual items naturally come through legitimate gameplay rather than unscrupulous shortcuts. By remembering games are meant to be enjoyed together through cooperation not division, hopefully future generations remain inspired hackers while avoiding their malicious peers.


In the end, no game is hacker-proof given human ingenuity and perseverance. However, awareness mitigates risks better than naivety. While talented codebreakers exist, their work undermines the community if misused to disrupt rather than create. For most, hacking carries serious dangers like account bans, malware exposure or legal troubles not worth trivial rewards. Instead focus energy onto gaming as intended - through bonding with others in safe, honest fun without needing to compromise principles or harm peers. With care and diligence, all may happily explore virtual worlds hacker-free for years to come.

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