
AC 3 Economy vs AC 3 Tier: Which one is better for your train journey?

Understanding the concept of AC 3 tier economy coaches

Third AC economy (3E) coaches were introduced by Indian Railways as an alternative to sleeper class coaches for those looking for an affordable AC travel option. However, they come with reduced berth sizes and increased passenger capacity compared to regular AC 3 tier coaches. The key differences are that 3E coaches have 9 berths per compartment instead of 6-8 in 3 tier coaches. This is achieved by adding 3 side berths. The berth sizes are also smaller with the length reduced by 15-20 cm and the width by around 1.5 inches. While 3E aims to provide AC travel at sleeper class fares, the cramped spaces and increased occupancy mean travellers might have to compromise on comfort. Let’s analyze the pros and cons of both classes in detail.

Comparing fares - 3E offers marginal savings

Taking the example of Pushpak Express from Lucknow to Mumbai, the fare for 3E is Rs. 1560 while 3 tier is Rs. 1665 - a difference of just Rs. 105. Sleeper class costs Rs. 635. So the expected fare difference between sleeper and 3E is much smaller than advertised. One ends up paying almost 3 times more than sleeper class for very little additional personal space. The marginal savings may not justify the compromise in comfort.

Reduced berth sizes in 3E impact mobility and sleep

With berth lengths reduced by 15-20 cm and widths by 1.5 inches, tall and large-framed passengers will find it very cramped. Changing positions or getting in and out of upper berths becomes difficult.
The compromised dimensions also mean less wiggle room to sleep comfortably through the night. People may end up bumping against each other more frequently due to the confined spaces.

Increased occupancy in 3E leads to less privacy

While 3 tier compartments have 6-8 berths, 3E coaches pack 9 berths in the same area. This results in 11 more people sharing the same lounge space. Bathroom queues also get longer. With more co-passengers crammed inside, there is reduced seclusion and privacy. People may find it challenging to move around freely or rest peacefully with so many others in close proximity.

Marginal monetary savings don’t outweigh comfort trade-offs

For a measly Rs. 105 less than 3 tier, passengers have to sacrifice nearly 15-20 cm of legroom, 1.5 inches of width and deal with 11 extra co-passengers. The monetary advantage is negligible considering 12-15 uncomfortable hours will be spent in the reduced berth dimensions. In such a case, it is advisable to spend a little extra and opt for 3 tier instead for better rest and mobility.

3E coaches lack amenities found in regular AC classes

While 3E aims to provide basic AC comfort, amenities tend to be inferior or missing compared to 3 tier coaches. Features like individual reading lights, AC vents, charging ports, luggage racks above berths may not be uniformly available. Food and beverage services could also be limited. Passengers looking for a comfortable journey with decent onboard facilities might end up disappointed by the basic provisions in 3E coaches.

Should you consider 3E for short distance travel?

For short distance travel of 5-7 hours, the reduced comfort may be tolerable to save some money. However, on long overnight journeys of 8-15 hours, the cramped berths could seriously affect rest and increase chances of restless sleep. Unless the fare difference is significant, it is advisable to avoid 3E coaches and choose 3 tier instead for long distance overnight travel. A few hundred extra won’t seem like much after facing an uncomfortable night.

Conclusion - Opt for 3 tier unless budget is extremely tight

While 3E aims to serve the budget traveler, the meager savings and compromised comfort make it a lacklustre choice for most. Unless financial constraints absolutely demand it, travelers are better off spending a little extra for 3 tier. The more generous berth dimensions, fewer co-passengers and relatively better facilities/amenities in 3 tier make for a much smoother journey. Overall comfort should take priority over marginal fare differences. 3E might be suitable only in limited budget situations or short distance commutes. AC 3 Economy vs AC 3 Tier: Which one is better for your train journey?

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