
Managing Fortnite Storage on the Nintendo Switch

With the immense popularity of battle royale games like Fortnite, storage space can fill up quickly on platforms with limited storage like the Nintendo Switch. As more seasons, collaborative events, and in-game content are added, the file size of games like Fortnite continues to grow substantially over time. Storage management is an ongoing challenge that players must navigate to continue enjoying their games. This article explores some potential solutions and tradeoffs for players facing storage constraints when playing Fortnite on the Nintendo Switch.

The Ongoing File Size Increase of Fortnite

Epic Games has consistently supported Fortnite with new seasons, map changes, weapons, and collaborative crossover events that bring characters from other popular franchises into the game. Each major update significantly increases the file size, with some seasons adding over 10GB of additional content. For the Nintendo Switch with only 32GB of internal storage, this leaves little room for other digital games and apps after Fortnite is installed. Game developers have to optimize file sizes, but meaningful content also increases the footprint on systems with storage limitations.

Account Data is Securely Stored Remotely

One key thing for players to understand is that your Fortnite progress and purchases are not stored locally on the Nintendo Switch. All account data like levels, stats, Battle Pass tiers, V-Bucks, and cosmetic items are securely maintained on Epic Games servers. This means completely uninstalling Fortnite will not delete or affect any of your saved player data. Your progress and inventory will be retained if you reinstall the game in the future.

Archiving Fortnite Temporarily Frees Storage

The Nintendo Switch allows users to archive software titles using the system’s data management features. Archiving Fortnite removes it from the home screen but stores all of the game data on the console without deleting anything. This instantly frees up a significant amount of storage space that was being used just by having the game installed. A small cloud icon will show on the archived title to indicate it’s still stored on the Switch and can be quickly redownloaded and played again later from the data management menu without having to reinstall the entire huge file.

Upgrading Storage is the Only Permanent Solution

While archiving provides temporary storage relief, the only definitive way to avoid storage woes long-term is to upgrade the space available on the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo offers higher capacity microSD cards that can be inserted into the Switch to expand storage. Quality third-party microSD cards in 256GB or 512GB sizes can provide a huge boost over the meager internal storage. Transferring Fortnite and other large titles to the microSD card frees up internal space for more flexibility. Upgrading storage is an investment but solves storage issues for the lifespan of the Nintendo Switch.

Consider an External Hard Drive for Major File Sizes

Players seeking an even higher storage capacity solution beyond microSD card limits have another alternative option - using a portable USB external hard drive with the Nintendo Switch. Though external hard drives cannot play games directly, they allow transferring downloaded software and updates back and forth from the internal storage. Titles like Fortnite that balloon beyond 10GB in size are perfect candidates to migrate to an external HDD. With capacities ranging from 1TB to even 4TB or greater available, external hard drives ensure Fortnite players never have to worry about storage constraints on the Nintendo Switch again.

Selectively Installing Seasons and Extra Content

While it’s appealing to keep everything associated with Fortnite downloaded at all times, one strategy is to be more selective about specific seasons and game mode files kept locally. Fortnite makes it possible to pick and choose exactly what gets stored on the Switch rather than keeping every last byte downloaded indefinitely. Older seasons that are no longer actively played could be archived or removed to trim several GB off the install size when storage gets low. Similarly, extra modes like Creative may not need occupying local storage at all times if played infrequently.

Monitor Game Sizes During Major Updates

Paying close attention to install sizes after Fortnite updates and new season releases helps players better plan storage usage. Major updates sometimes sneak in bringing unexpected file bloat. Downloading updates over a Wi-Fi connection and temporarily archiving or removing other games allows the download to occur without running out of space mid-patch. With a little advance preparation, storage-related issues from large updates can usually be avoided. Knowing what additional storage a new season will consume is key for storage management.

Striking a Balance Takes Trial and Error

Finding the right balance to manage storage while still enjoying Fortnite fully involves some experimentation. Each player’s preferences, other games, and existing storage capacity factors in. Archiving, upgrading storage, being selective with installs, and monitoring updates all provide options but require ongoing management. With Epic Games focused on continuously supporting and growing Fortnite, storage woes may only increase over time on the Nintendo Switch. But with some planning and smart use of the tools available, players can still fully experience everything Fortnite has to offer for years to come. In summary, storage poses an ongoing challenge for Fortnite players on the limited Nintendo Switch. By understanding account data security, archiving games temporarily, upgrading storage proactively, monitoring updates, and selecting installs strategically, players can better navigate storage constraints as the immense game continues growing in the future. With some trial and error, a good balance can be found to accommodate Fortnite and other favorite digital titles long-term. Ongoing management is required, but different solutions exist to keep playing everything the Switch has to offer.

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