
Next-Gen Console Buyers' Guide

Is the PS4 Still Worth It With the PS5 on the Horizon?

While the highly anticipated PlayStation 5 console is slated for release this year, many gamers are still wondering if purchasing a PlayStation 4 makes sense. The PS4 system has been available since 2013 and offers an enormous library of classic games available at deeply discounted used prices. Additionally, Sony has committed to supporting backwards compatibility for the “overwhelming majority” of the top 100 PS4 titles on the new PS5 hardware. Unless you’re focused solely on owning the latest technology, your investment in a PS4 will continue paying dividends for many years to come with a massive selection of acclaimed single-player and multiplayer games.

Potential Heat Management Concerns With the Unusual PS5 Design

The PlayStation 5 console’s compact tall design is a notable departure from Sony’s previous systems. While the unique aesthetic aims to make the powerful new hardware stand out, some early concerns have been raised around its Thermal solution. The slim profile is reminiscent of the original Xbox One, which faced well documented issues with overheating, leading to noisy fans and reduced performance over time. With the PS5’s advanced components generating significant heat, consumers may want to wait a few months post-launch for thorough third-party analysis and real-world durability tests under stress before fully committing to the new generation. Addressing any potential cooling problems could require hardware revisions further down the line.

The Value in Purchasing a Legacy Console Years After Release

In 2013, the author made the decision to purchase a PlayStation 3 console several years after its initial 2006 debut, knowing newer Xbox 360 and Wii hardware was available on the market. Despite being a “late adopter,” they thoroughly enjoyed acclaimed Sony exclusives from that generation like Uncharted, God of War, and The Last of Us over many hours of gameplay. Significantly, those landmark franchises went on to receive equally praised sequels and spin-offs on the PlayStation 4 as well. This experience proved high-quality first-party games continue releasing for a system long after its prime, validating a later purchase when prices drop.

Revisiting Classics With Enhanced Editions on Newer Hardware

Reflecting on gaming in 2013 on their PlayStation 3, many of the author’s favorite titles from that era like the PlayStation exclusives mentioned previously have since received gorgeous upgraded or full remastered versions optimized for the PlayStation 4’s more powerful internals. This allowed them the opportunity to reexperience beloved games with enhanced textures, lighting, effects and controls supported by modern technology. It underscores how successive console generations continue to make classic games feel fresh and engaging for new audiences long after a system’s initial life cycle ends.

The Continued Value of Using an Established Console in 2022 and Beyond

As of late 2022, the author was still actively and regularly playing their launch model PlayStation 4 console nearly a decade after its 2013 debut. With a significant backlog of acclaimed single-player adventures and multiplayer favorites yet to experience, upgrading to a PlayStation 5 held little perceived value at that point in time. Additional factors like the PS5’s default small solid state drive storage size, ongoing limited physical game library, and higher MSRP also gave them pause in swapping systems. Unless hardware or software issues arise, this user expects their PS4 will remain their primary way to game into 2023 and potentially beyond, due to the excellent selection of titles still to experience from its long-running generation.

Advice for Potential PS4 and PS5 Buyers in 2023

Based on the author’s extended use of both the PlayStation 4 and consideration of the PlayStation 5, current and future consumers weighing their options for this generation would be wise to carefully evaluate their unique gaming needs, priorities, and existing backlogs. A PS4 remains a very smart choice for access to its enormous library of classic titles available at bargain prices, both physically and digitally. Meanwhile, those interested in a PS5 may want to wait for further enhancements like expanded internal/external storage support or revised models before upgrading. Both systems offer unparalleled entertainment value, so the better option depends on an individual’s specific situation and gaming goals. Regularly revisiting this decision can help extend the joy of this amazing medium.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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