The Journey of Improving Your Drawing Skills
Drawing well takes time, practice and patience. Many aspire to have drawing skills but get discouraged when their work doesn’t look as good as they envision. However, with the right approach and de...
Drawing well takes time, practice and patience. Many aspire to have drawing skills but get discouraged when their work doesn’t look as good as they envision. However, with the right approach and de...
The Built-in Rechargeable Battery The Xbox One controller uses a built-in lithium-ion rechargeable battery to power the wireless functionality. Unlike disposable batteries, the lithium-ion battery ...
The Pioneering Services that Started it All Microsoft launched Xbox Game Pass in 2017 and it has since grown tremendously, now boasting over 25 million subscribers who have generated $3 billion in ...
Xbox 360 Digital Storefront: A Marketplace That Launched a Generation of Gaming The Xbox 360 digital storefront has served as the primary online destination for Xbox 360 owners to browse, purchase ...
Part 1: An Overview of the Growing but Volatile Games Industry The video games industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the United States, expanding at a rate over four times that of the o...
Soulja Boy’s recent launch of the “SouljaGame” console demonstrates the legal risks involved with attempting to profit off the unlicensed use of others’ intellectual property. Through aggressive pr...
How Remote Play Works Remote Play allows you to stream your PS4 games to a computer or other supported devices over the internet. This is convenient for continuing your game on a bigger screen when...
The Gift of Experience Starting Over in Your 30s Isn’t Too Late While comparison and fear of missed opportunities can breed doubt, our experiences shape us in invaluable ways. At 32, though resta...
Discovering J-Pop Through Aoyama Teruma Back in 2012, I was first introduced to Japanese pop music, or J-pop. At the time, I didn’t know much about music genres outside of American pop. One day, I ...
What is Port Forwarding? Port forwarding allows incoming network connections to be redirected from your router to a specific device on your home network based on the port. When properly configured...